Praeceps Academy

Here’s the other thing I was working on for NaGaDeMon:


Praeceps Academy is a creepy boarding school setting where the characters slowly find what’s really going on. It’s system-agnostic, with commentary on how to use various different game systems to run it. I didn’t get this to the stage where I felt I could truly publish this by the end of the month, but I did get it far enough that I could post it online for others to use. Hopefully some day I’ll finish it up and make it available for purchase.

Here’s the game’s page on my personal design website:

Here’s a direct link in case you only want the files (ZIP, 14.5 MB).–files/praeceps/

I hope you enjoy it! I’ve had this idea lying around since I worked at boarding schools (none of them are anywhere near this creepy), and I’m glad to finally finish it off.


Stranger Creations will be on hiatus through November.

Many people know November as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), where the goal is to write a complete novel of at least 50,000 words. However, it’s also National Game Design Month (NaGaDeMon), where the goal is to write a complete and functional game. I’m constantly writing games and game material, so in November I focus on finishing up old projects and clearing them off my slate.

This year I’m working on finishing the Chronotech supplement for Sufficiently Advanced. If you’re interested in following that process, you can find my daily posts in the development forums on the Sufficiently Advanced wiki.

For those who are interested in the next setting for Stranger Creations (Between Fire and Dreams), it’s coming along very nicely! I’m almost halfway done writing it already. It’s been a lot of fun writing the character overviews in first person instead of third person. It’s also a real gut-punch of a setting. Power dynamics and the abuse of power are at the core of this setting, in much the same way that greed and ambition were at the core of Athanor Isle. It will need trigger warnings for some folks.